NPI's 2024 Annual Report Available Now!

InFocus: Law Enforcement Roadway Safety

Rural Violent Crime Reduction Initiative

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Our Work at a Glance

The National Policing Institute was established in 1970 as a non-partisan and independent nonprofit organization dedicated to pursuing excellence in policing through science and innovation.

NPI has been on the cutting edge of police innovation for over 50 years since it was established by the Ford Foundation as a result of the President’s Commission on the Challenge of Crime in a Free Society.

In support of its mission, NPI is committed to conducting research, training, and technical assistance in three strategic priority areas:

Support the National Policing Institute

Your support helps us accomplish our most important priorities such as reducing and preventing violent crime, improving officer safety and wellness, advancing police organizations, and promoting science and evidence-based practices in policing on behalf of those who serve and our communities. We are grateful for your support in any amount.

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