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Archival Review of Sexual Assault Complaints in Places of Public Accommodation

Publication Date

July 2017


National Policing Institute


In response to considerable national level discussion on rights and protections for LGBT people related to public accommodations and subsequent concerns over the possibility of increased victimization of women in public bathrooms, this research brief reports on a review of official police reports of sexual assaults reported to have occurred in places of public accommodation in: Atlanta (GA), Dallas (TX), Miami-Dade County (FL), and Tucson (AZ). There was no evidence of sexual assaults taking place resulting from legislative efforts to increase protections for individuals of the LGBT community in public accommodations.  Overall findings are consistent with the research on sexual assault which indicates that in 8 of 10 cases, assaults are not perpetrated by a stranger, but rather by a person known to the victim, such as an acquaintance or intimate partner.

Research Design


Research Methods

Secondary data analysis, Literature review

Recommended Citation

National Policing Institute. (2017). Archival review of sexual assault complaints in places of public accommodation. https://www.policinginstitute.org/publication/archival-review-of-complaints-of-sexual-assaults-committed-in-places-of-public-accommodation/