December 2, 2021
The National Policing Institute (NPI), in partnership with the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) VALOR Initiative, is pleased to release the electronic resource, Staying Healthy in the Fray: The Impact of Crowd Management on Officers in the Context of Civil Unrest. This website supplements the guidebook which was published in July 2021.
This website serves as a safety and wellness resource to frontline officers, supervisors, and law enforcement executives when in the midst of policing mass demonstrations. The website offers steps that can be taken by individuals and organizations to aid officers in preparing for and protecting colleagues and themselves before, during and after civil unrest. The goal of the website is to support officers’ physical and mental health, while at work and at home. Developing and supporting organizational cultures that recognize and prioritize officer safety and wellness as an integral part of policing protests and the foundation of community policing is imperative.
A one-page flyer featuring the links to the website and guidebook can be downloaded here.
The website has been created with the support of the BJA Preventing Violence Against Law Enforcement and Ensuring Officer Resilience and Survivability (VALOR) Initiative. BJA created the VALOR Initiative to improve officer safety training resources and opportunities available to the law enforcement community in the United States to increase officer safety and resilience and strengthen officer wellness.
For more information about the VALOR Officer Safety and Wellness Initiative, visit: