Incorporating Victim Services into Law Enforcement Agency Response and Practices

January 17, 2024 | 1:00 pm - 2:15 pm Eastern

Event Overview

Incorporating law enforcement-based victim services can help promote victim-centered, trauma-informed practices throughout the agency and the community it serves. Victim services personnel can provide a wide range of services that align with the responsibilities of sworn personnel. Collaborative responses can encourage ongoing engagement of victims and co-victims and help them navigate multiple complex systems to meet their needs.

Information from this webinar can help participants assess the impact of agency practices on victims and co-victims in the following areas:

  • Victimsโ€™ rights
  • Initial contact
  • Investigative interviews and actions
  • Records, documentation, and case status
  • Media involvement


  • Amy Durall
  • Caroline Huffaker

Event Location

This workshop will be conducted live through the Zoom meeting platform. Details to access the course will be provided upon registration.