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After-Action Review

Research Evaluation of the City of Columbus’ Response to the 2020 Summer Protests

Publication Date

April 2021


Trevor L. Brown and Carter M. Stewart, The Ohio State University


This report provides the results of an eight-month research study evaluating how the City of Columbus, Ohio, inclusive of elected officials and the Columbus Division of Police (CPD), managed the protests in Columbus from May 28 through July 19, 2020. The purpose of the research study was three-fold: 1) document interactions between community members and law enforcement personnel as a part of the protests; 2) evaluate the City of Columbus’ preparation for and response to the protests; and 3) generate research-informed recommendations about how to improve the performance of the City of Columbus in preparing for and responding to future protests. The study was conducted by an independent research team organized by the John Glenn College of Public Affairs at the Ohio State University, supported by staff from the National Police Foundation.

Recommended Citation

Brown, T.L., & Stewart, C.M. (2021). Research evaluation of the City of Columbus’ response to the 2020 summer protests. The Ohio State University. https://library.osu.edu/research-evaluation-of-the-city-of-columbus-response-to-the-2020-summer-protests