Publication Date
December 1974
Catherine Higgs Milton, Ava Abramowitz, Laura Crites, Margaret Gates, Ellen Mintz, and Georgette Sandler
During the last two years, police administrators around the country who were trying to decide how best to plan a women-in-policing program have contacted the National Policing Institute. Because integrating women into policing means eliminating the special treatment that women have traditionally received, these administrators have been faced with a complex task. They have been required to review their departmental policies and procedures, and modify them in order to comply with equal opportunity laws and good personnel management practices. The issues, however, do not only pertain to women. The need to rethink policies and procedures and improve organizational support has existed for years. The inclusion of women in patrol work has provided police executives with the opportunity to question and improve their practices. This manual is a brief survey of information gathered in recent years about women in policing, covering recruitment, selection, training, operational considerations, performance, promotions, and resistance faced. Particular emphasis has been placed on the obstacles that can keep women from participating fully and effectively in the delivery of the entire range of police services and the methods by which these obstacles can be successfully overcome.
Recommended Citation
Milton, C. H., Abramowitz, A., Crites, L., Gates, M., Mintz, E., & Sandler, G. (1974). Women in policing: A manual. National Policing Institute.
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