Technical Assistance for the Baltimore (Maryland) Police Department Implementation of Consent Decree Remedial Measures

NPI is providing subject matter expertise and other support to BPD on a broad array of reforms the department is currently undertaking.

Project Overview

On April 7, 2017, the United States, the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, and the Baltimore (Maryland) Police Department (BPD) entered into a consent decree to resolve the findings of a civil rights investigation conducted by the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) into the practices of BPD. The BPD continues to work toward the measures outlined in the consent decree and toward reforming policing in Baltimore to increase community trust and police legitimacy and to reduce violent crime in the city.

To support the efforts of the City of Baltimore and the BPD in implementation of the consent decree, through funding from the Ford Foundation, the National Policing Institute (NPI) currently serves as a Technical Advisor to BPD. NPI is providing subject matter expertise and other support to BPD on a broad array of reforms the department is currently undertaking. The NPI team has supported BPD in completing a Technology Resource Study and a Staffing Study, and supported BPD’s development of a Community Policing Plan. Currently, NPI is assisting BPD with implementation and evaluation of “Ethical Policing is Courageous (EPIC)” training, a peer intervention program.


NPI staff works in partnership with subject matter experts to address key areas identified for BPD Technical Assistance for Consent Decree Compliance. In collaboration with BPD, NPI develops unique strategies tailored to Baltimore and to the requested compliance area. Generally, the technical assistance includes:

  • gathering relevant information on-site to include interviews and focus groups with BPD staff members, the Baltimore community, and stakeholders;
  • direct observation of BPD practices and needs; and, development of surveys to identify additional needs and perceptions;
  • gathering information off-site through materials requests, follow-up interviews, and open source research;
  • selecting teams of subject matter experts with relevant knowledge to analyze department information, documentation, materials, and data to assess existing strengths and needs going forward, particularly in comparison to national promising practices; and,
  • developing reports and other products—as requested by BPD—that compile, organize, and describe BPD strengths and needs in the assessment areas, as well as strategies and plans for moving the department toward full compliance.

For the EPIC Evaluation, NPI has:

  • Created a logic model for active bystandership (AB) training that includes inputs, outputs, and metrics for assessing success of the training using administrative data
  • Designed a rigorous evaluation plan that includes a field randomized controlled trial of AB training
  • Implemented the field experiment in BPD
  • Designed and programed survey instrumentation for officer surveys
  • Ongoing data collection has already received over 900 survey responses

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More Information

Project Status: Active

Location(s): Baltimore, MD

Research Design: Randomized controlled trial (RCT), Non-experimental

Research Method(s): Focus groups, Field-based experiment, Interviews, Observation / Participant observation, Surveys, Secondary data analysis