Publication Date
February 2018
National Policing Institute
The City of Charlotte requested that the National Policing Institute conduct an independent review of the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department’s (CMPD) response to the demonstrations that occurred following a September 20, 2016, officer-involved shooting of Keith Lamont Scott in September 2016. The project utilized a community-driven methodology to conduct a comprehensive after-action analysis of the CMPD response to the protests and to share lessons learned and best practices with the City of Charlotte and CMPD. The NPI assessment team found that the CMPD acted appropriately overall and in accordance with their policies and procedures. However, the review identified areas where the CMPD could improve its policies, practices, and operations to strengthen the department’s relationship with the community, with the goal of preventing and improving its response to future instances of civil unrest, should they occur. The review also highlights the importance of collaboration and communication between the City of Charlotte administration, the City Manager, and the CMPD prior to critical incidents.
Recommended Citation
Straub, F., Brown, J., Villasenor, R., Zeunik, J., Gorban, B., Norton, B., & Reyes, E. (2018). Advancing Charlotte: A National Policing Institute assessment of the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department response to the September 2016 demonstrations. Washington, DC: National Policing Institute.
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