HomePublications › Officer Involved Shootings: Executive Summary of Officer and Subject Characteristics


Officer Involved Shootings: Executive Summary of Officer and Subject Characteristics

Publication Date

October 2019


Darrel W. Stephens


The Major Cities Chiefs Association (MCCA) and the National Policing Institute (NPI) entered into a partnership in 2015 to collect detailed OIS data in order to improve our understanding of these fatal and non-fatal encounters. The partnership had two primary objectives. The first was to provide a basis for a more accurate and reliable estimate of firearm use by police officers in major cities. The second was to provide better insight into OIS situations and, through the analysis of the data, improve officer safety and account- ability. After developing a tool and a process, OIS data collection was launched in late March 2015. NPI and MCCA produced three executive summaries to share the findings representing 1,006 OIS incidents involving 1605 officers in 47 MCCA agencies during 2015 to 2017. The first summary focuses on OIS incident characteristics. The second (this report) examines the officer(s)and subject(s) involved in incidents. The third is a broader discussion of OIS incidents, how their data are captured within law enforcement, and the gaps in our understanding of these encounters.

Research Design


Research Methods


Recommended Citation

Stephens, D. W. (2019). Officer involved shootings: Officers/subjects executive summary. Arlington, VA: National Policing Institute. Retrieved from https://www.policinginstitute.org/publication/officer-involved-shootings-officers-subjects-executive-summary/