Assistant Chief (Ret.) Ryan Perlongo


Ryan Perlongo is the Downstate New York Advisor for the New York State Division of Criminal Justice
Services (DCJS) Law Enforcement Strategic Assistance Unit (SAU). This unit provides hands-on strategic
counsel to New York State law enforcement agencies focusing on evidence-based policing practices,
community trust building, and reform and reinvention collaboratives. Ryan’s role includes the design of
portfolio-specific learning opportunities tailored to local legislation and priorities, fostering peer learning
partnerships across agencies, long-term strategic planning, and building the technical capacity of local
stakeholders to implement, measure, and sustain strategies.

In addition to his work with the SAU, Perlongo continues to serve as a Master Police Instructor for the DCJS,
focusing on principled policing and evidence-based violence reduction strategies. Ryan’s fifteen-year career
in sworn service was rooted in developing and administering comprehensive officer training programs at
the City and State Universities of New York, retiring as Assistant Chief. Ryan holds a Master of Science in
Law Enforcement and Public Safety Leadership from the University of San Diego, and he is a doctoral candidate
at St. John’s University’s Homeland Security and Criminal Justice program. Ryan was recently selected as a
member of the 2022 National Institute of Justice (NIJ) Law Enforcement Advancing Data and Science
(LEADS) program.