54th Mile Project Kicks Off in Selma, Alabama

On February 18, 1965, Alabama State Troopers fatally shot an unarmed African American civil rights activist, Jimmie Lee Jackson. A champion for equal voting rights, Jackson died protecting his mother, who was attacked by police during a demonstration in Marion, AL. In response to Jackson’s death, local civil rights leaders organized a 54-mile march from…

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A Review of Patrol Techniques to Reduce Serious Injury and Fatality Crashes

Patrol vehicle in rural county

In 2018 and 2019, the Iowa State Patrol (ISP) implemented the Fatality Reduction Enforcement Program (FREE) in collaboration with research partners from George Mason University (GMU). GMU’s evaluation suggests that FREE reduced crashes involving impaired driving in the program area by 18% in year one and may have contributed to more significant reductions in speed-related…

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