Policing Strategies & Operations


Compendium: Community Policing and Procedural Justice in Jails, Parts 1-9: Adapting Community-Oriented Policing Strategies and Procedural Justice for Jail Communities

Topic Areas: Community Partnerships, Preventing Crime & Violence, Policing Strategies & Operations, Personnel & Staffing

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Examining utility of sobering centers report cover

Examining the Utility of Sobering Centers: National Survey of Police Departments and Sobering Centers

Topic Areas: Community Partnerships, Policing Strategies & Operations

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NPI Study of Bias in DC Police Threat Assessment Process

A Study of Bias in the Washington D.C. Metropolitan Police Department’s Threat Assessment Process

Topic Areas: Community Partnerships, Policing Strategies & Operations

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PJ at hot spots-research in brief cover

Research Brief: In-depth Training of Police Officers Results in Less Crime, Fewer Arrests, and Improved Community Views Towards Police in Crime Hot Spots

Topic Areas: Community Partnerships, Preventing Crime & Violence, Policing Strategies & Operations, Personnel & Staffing

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